Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Pitch in Week

Pitch-in week
Written By: Achal

Hey Gators! Last week was pitch-in week! Pitch-in week is all about picking up garbage from all around our community to make our area a greener place. Each class was given the opportunity to go around our neighbourhood and pick up some garbage. Mme. Cheung organized the event. “It was amazing how much garbage we’re able to drop,” says a grade 8 student in Mr. Hambly’s class. “It really is something we should be more aware of, especially if we want to keep this earth in good shape for generations to come.” 
This amazing event makes people so much more aware about how we treat our earth, and makes us want to help make our world a better place to live in, not only for us, but for animals too. Because of the litter we cause, animals are dying. We are the reason as to why there is so much litter on the ground, the reason as to why there is so much pollution, and the reason as to why there might not even be many more future generations to come. We are doing this to ourselves, and pitch-in week made some of us realize this. We should be picking up garbage anytime we can, because if we work together, we can definitely make our world a better place to live in. 

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