Monday, May 25, 2015

Intermediate Boys Basketball

On the morning of Friday, May 1st, 2015, Greensborough P.S. held their Area Basketball Tournament. Greensborough had a total of four schools over to play. Greensborough's Intermediate Boys Basketball Team proudly beat Legacy P.S., Reesor Park P.S., and put up a huge fight against Cornell P.S., though they ended up losing to them. They then traveled to Sam Chapman P.S., where they participated in the Semi-Finals and beat Wismer P.S. After that successful game, they once again got matched  up against Cornell and beat them—both entering and exiting the game with their chins held high and their peers, coaches, and overall teamwork to thank.

Following those successful matches and winning the Finals, they went to Regionals, held on Thursday, May 7th, 2015, which featured the very best public school basketball teams from York Region. Unfortunately, from there, they were matched up against some pretty tough teams, though they fought as hard as they could to end the season well.

Our very own Greensborough Intermediate Boys Basketball Team played amazingly well, and adapted strategies from each and every team they fought against to weave their way to the top.

Their coaches, including Ms. Schreiber, Mr. Hambly, and Mr. Withers, are extremely proud of every single person on the team, and their outstanding performances at these games.

Written by: Cindy T.

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